Friday, June 20, 2014

Get mean with:


So, I really recommend this movie for you to watch. So, what I liked:
-The beginning was really good. They made Maleficent's history. I liked how she was interested in humans after she met Stephan. But, then on her 16th birthday, she got a kiss from Stephan, as a gift. He said it was a true love's kiss. But it wasn't. Then their paths separated. Later, when she grows up, king Henry leads an army to The Moors, but then come all creatures from The Moors and help Maleficent fight. Henry's sickness soon came after a lost battle and he wanted somebody to inherit him. So, the One needed to kill Maleficent ("the winged creature). Stephan dared to go to The Moors. He tricked Maleficent and when she fell asleep, he tried to kill her with a knife. He couldn't. So he took an iron ring and lots of iron and cut off her wings somehow. He brought them to Henry and soon became the king. Then... blah, blah, blah... It comes to Aurora's birth and she gives her the gift. The curse can not be stopped, but then Stephan begs her. She says that she can be only awaken by a true love's kiss, considering that there's no such thing.
-One thing was a little disappointing. That the true love's kiss wasn't by prince Philip, but by Maleficent herself, when she changed her mind and wanted to save Aurora. Don't worry, it wasn't in the mouth. It was in Aurora's forehead. But, for me it was also good, because I think that there is no greater love than the "parent (it doesn't need to be a one, just a guardian)" to a child it raised.
-Another thing was that Stephan died (killed by Maleficent). But, still, he also kinda deserved it.
So, it is short-90 minutes, but still it felt like I was watching a 120 minute movie.
So, how do I rate this movie? It's T.L.M (True Love's Movie). I do not recommend this to much younger children, just from 9 year olds.

So, that's it for today guys? What do you want me to do next?

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